Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Meal Planning for Seniors: Tip 6

Are You an Overwhelmed Caregiver? Meal Planning for Seniors is Easier with These 8 Tips!

If you are overwhelmed as a caregiver, I am sure that there are many responsibilities that you have on a day to day basis that add to your stress.  Meal planning for seniors is one way to make your daily activities more manageable while providing balanced and nutritious meals for your senior.

Tip Six:  Meal Planning and Mindful Presentation

Cultivating an environment of mindfulness while preparing food will lessen the stress of meal preparation. I know from experience that seniors like their mealtimes to be interesting.  I am not just talking about the food, but also the place setting. Make sure that the environment is conducive to eating by setting the table or tray with a tablecloth or place mat, napkin, real flatware, nice plates and bowls, and even a flower if one is available. Paper plates are easy but not nearly as pleasant as real china.

When you're ready to present your colorful, attractive meal to your senior, make sure that the lighting is bright enough so they can see what they are eating. Appetizing meals are an important part of seniors’ lives and vital to their physical and emotional well-being.

If you like this tip and are interested in receiving the rest of the 8 tips on meal planning for seniors, please subscribe to my blog!

If you are looking for a comprehensive way to learn how to improve your skills as a caregiver, then watch my Caregiver Culinary Training Intro Video, or go straight to my Online Caregiver Culinary Training Course.